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Spooling Up For You!



I have been there … no really

I have been there ... no really by Benjamin Goss, MBA I still remember it distinctly. It’s like a cold memory that sits on your chest like a heavy boulder making it physically hard to breathe when you think about it. My wife had called the cops, and there they were at



DO YOU MAKE EXCUSES OR DESTROY THEM? by Benjamin Goss, MBA Too many people look in too many other directions, other than at themselves for why they are failing. It is a sobering thought for some of us when we come to the realization that where we are is the combined result


“What get’s measured get’s done” ~Peter Drucker

What get's measured get's done ~Peter Drucker, Father of Modern Management Theory by Benjamin Goss, MBA "What gets measured gets done" ~Peter Drucker. That’s my all time favorite business quote. What is your time worth? When you keep track of your activity and the results they generate, you can learn


The Struggle Was (& Is) Very Real

The Struggle Was (& Is) Very Real by Benjamin Goss, MBA I have started opportunities that failed miserably, and I have worked other opportunities and businesses that have done surprisingly well. I remember the first time that I was left with nearly $800,000 in bad debt (that means people owed me money). I


Why are we okay with a 98% (Business) Failure Rate?

Why are we okay with a 98% (Business) Failure Rate? By Benjamin Goss, MBA The Small Business Administration (SBA) keeps tracks of all sorts of business statistics and data so that we can understand if we are in a good economy or a bad economy. Personally, I try not to pay


Dream with me, will you? Or won’t you?

Dream with me, will you? Or won’t you? by Benjamin Goss, MBA For a period of three years, at a very difficult time in my life, I worked in a position that had me “locked away” metaphorically speaking in a 10x10 painted Sheetrock box with carpet, a desk, a computer and a


How to Eff Up Your Life in 12 Easy Steps

by Benjamin Goss, MBA There are 12 areas that Eff up people’s lives. You know most people, historically including myself, typically make goals that are around one thing: money. Having it, or not having to pay it to someone else ... whatever. In fact a lot of people ignore some of the most


Wanna Work With Me

Wanna Work With Me & other stories from the Workground by Benjamin Goss, MBA How do you know if you’re on the right page? Let’s answer that question this way ... ★ WHO DOES BEN GOSS WORK WITH BEST & MOST OFTEN? ★ I specialize in helping the following types of professionals

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“It doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down. All that matters is you get up one more time than you were knocked down.”
~Roy T. Bennett

Proverbs 29:18 ♦ Colossians 3:23
1 John 2:6

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