Meme - IDK who made it - I Tip My Hat To You!
Meme – IDK who made it – I Tip My Hat To You!

MOONSHOT – The Legacy of Life – A Brief Essay

~by Benjamin Goss, MBA

Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, and our ability to capture high resolution video. Our grandchildren and their grandchildren will have a chance to learn from their predecessors “in living color” instead of reading what little has been written and preserved by history for our collective and private posterity.

I for one, more and more, am concerned about the legacy I leave behind. I suppose that is natural as I crest what most call the mid-point of life. But then again, whether I crest or continue to rise – that is somewhat up to me, right?

Consider – whether your life is long or short, successful or not – your life leaves a legacy. Our legacy is encompassed in the lives we touch, and then in how those lives touch others.

I don’t want to get into euphemistic or hyper-theoretical discussions about whether the lives of children who die in Africa from malnutrition or whether the lives of unborn children leave a legacy when they are cut short. Suffice it to say, I believe they do.

Right now, you are reading this, so this message is for you. Whether you are related to me, or you are a friend of mine, or you are someone in the future far removed from me personally in both time and space. Thank you for taking the time to read, to think and for the mark you are leaving/will leave upon the world.

A legacy in my parlance is made up of the ripples you and I make, whether we want to or not, in the lives of others. We have the choice of being a boulder of anger, or a mountain of motivation being cast into the pool, pond or sea of our relationships. The bigger the network of relationship you have, the farther your ripples (impact) can travel.

So again, I say “Consider.” What kind of legacy do you want to leave?

Life itself is a long shot … of the millions of sperm present the day of your conception, only one created the unique person that is you.

This life is neither perfect, nor pure, and while my theology informs my perspective let’s not focus on that. When we focus on our pain, whether collective or personal, real or self-inflicted … we risk becoming waifs awash in seas of regret and pain. Whether those pains of hurt or pains of regret are the result of what we’ve done, or because of what someone has done to us – let’s choose to not just stop there.

Rather, our past provides perspective for the future.

Rear view mirrors are not the focus of a windshield, they are there not to distract you but to inform you. The same is true in life. If you focus too much on the rear view mirror, you make steering decisions based on what is behind you and not in front you. You can’t help it – and it’s potentially fatal.

When we properly reflect on our mistakes, we can gain valuable lessons about how to move forward in the future. Please. I beg you. Don’t fall into a morass of morose meditation on your mistakes or on the mistakes of others that have cost you, perhaps dearly.

Our failures need to become the Fuel of our Resolve.

Our Resolve must become the Rock upon which we stand, tippy toed … reaching with every fiber in our being for the stars.

Because, in the words of the inimitable African All-American Motivator Les Brown, and I am paraphrasing here “who knows, if in reaching for the stars and we miss, we might just land on the moon.”

So, here’s to you – risk taker, entrepreneur, dreamer, doer, builder, family maker, job creator, job holder, opportunity seeker and home & life builder – I tip my hat … pour a drink and raise it in your honor! [hence the meme above :-)] Reach for the stars, and make your moon shot count!

I think Les Brown probably said something along these lines as well, but I can’t find it right now, or I would quote it precisely … “May you become the best You that you can possibly become, because there has never ever been anyone precisely like you in all of history, and there will never again be anyone exactly like you in the future.”

Your Life is Precious and Important. If you ever doubt that – reach out to those around you. Find someone who echoes that sentiment back to you – because we all should deeply care. Not just about the “world” as a euphemistic expression for all of humanity, but in an intensely intent personal manner that reflects on the value of individual life; yours and mine.

Life is a cup of the most precious wine. It is a reflection of light in the largest, clearest and most expensive of diamonds. And, it is that over whelming sense of awe and wonder we feel when we are immersed in the quiet beauty of the natural world in which we live.

What are you waiting for? Gather yourself completely and take your MoonShot!

Numbers 6:24-26; Psalm 23; Proverbs 2:7-8; Jeremiah 29:11; Jeremiah 33:3; Isaiah 43:19; John 10:10; 1 Corinthians 13:9-12; 2 Corinthians 4:18; Colossians 3:23