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Tag: Communication


Perception is Projection

Perception is Projection By Benjamin Goss, MBA A window on variability & personality perhaps ... perception is projection - or is it? Is it fair to say that there is a perception problem when comparing one's personal perception of reality versus another's? Sooooo much data is processed automatically ... is


“What get’s measured get’s done” ~Peter Drucker

What get's measured get's done ~Peter Drucker, Father of Modern Management Theory by Benjamin Goss, MBA "What gets measured gets done" ~Peter Drucker. That’s my all time favorite business quote. What is your time worth? When you keep track of your activity and the results they generate, you can learn


Seven Cardinal Rules to a Productive Social Media Engagement Plan

Seven Cardinal Rules to a Productive Social Media Engagement Plan | Did I miss anything? Leave a comment ⟱ please! Rule #1 - Understand the website's niche and community Every website whether it is Reddit, Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc ... has a user-base.  There are folks that use


My (oldest) son has autism, what’s your (biz) problem?

So … I blew it this year.  I have a son with special needs, and I did not take note of either World Down Syndrome Day (21 Mar 2016) or World Autism Awareness Day (2 April 2016). On the one hand, I could say that every day is autism awareness

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“It doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down. All that matters is you get up one more time than you were knocked down.”
~Roy T. Bennett

Proverbs 29:18 ♦ Colossians 3:23
1 John 2:6

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